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Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 10-12-2009

Everything Vllad said. The doctor on Voyager was the only thing keeping me watching that show as long as I did. 7 was not only hot, but also interesting as a character. Kinda like Data, any character coming to grips with humanity can be interesting, as long as they don't go overboard with it (which I think they did with Data). Come to think of it, that's part of why Worf can be interesting -- not so much his coming to grips with his humanity, but coming to grips with humans and their ridiculous habit of not wanting to run in and kill everyone with a batliff.

Garrick and Quark were great too. Odo was annoying.

SG characters tended to be pretty good as well. Except for what's-her-face, the leader of the Atlantis group. I was pretty happy when they replaced her with the chick from SG-1. Although I thought Shepard was a little too unmilitary for an otherwise fairly military show ("Oh, let's just put this guy in charge over there. Oh, sure, he's kind of a loose cannon, can't seem to keep his hair or uniform in regulation and likes to mouth off to superiors but I'm sure he'll be fine out there leading our most important military operation ever.")

Although for interesting characters, I'd say nobody beats Joss Whedon. I think I like just about every character he came up with in Buffy, Angel and Firefly. Even the bad guys made for good characters. I'm about to start watching Dollhouse now - we'll see if that trend continues.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Diggles - 10-12-2009

Its spelled Bat'leth, you incompetent Topah!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _Star_Trek</a><!-- m -->

I will relish your destruction you pathetic Romulan!

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 10-12-2009

Funny thing is, so many people have it wrong, Google didn't even bother to try and correct me.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Jakensama - 10-13-2009

You would think if there is one thing Internet dorks would get right its Klingon spelling.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I've no qualms about how much of a nerd I am, but the detail there is just pathetic.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vllad - 10-13-2009

Josh Wedon doesn't make casting mistakes either. I think he is the only one you can say that about. Every show including Trek and SG make casting mistakes. I can't think of any one of his characters where you think, ok that actor is totally unbelievable.

Jonathan Franks, Major Kira and Chakote as a first officers? Come on man. Lets just kill them off. Amanda Tapping in SG was a bad hire as well. I agree with Slamz, the Major in Atlantis is kind of weak.


Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Jakensama - 10-13-2009

Wheedon doesn't make casting mistakes? Elisa Dushku has an acting range shorter than my sand wedge and is cast as someone that is essentially supposed to play a different character every episode? She may be easy on the eyes, but...

I never got into the Buffy crap, but I will agree Firefly was well cast.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 10-13-2009

I'm not sure if Amanda Tapping is bad so much as her character is just bland - she's practically Spock but I can't tell if it's the actress or just the way the character is meant to behave. I liked it when they brought in Claudia Black (the girl from Farscape) towards the end... Come to think of it I think I liked Claudia Black's character mainly because she was the only really lively person on the show. SG-1 doesn't tend to run deep on character emotions (which is not to say that's a bad thing -- it was meant to be militaristic. I think we all recall what happens when writers decide to make overemotional characters in a military show. You never saw General Hammond drink himself silly, cry, smear the walls with paint and ask Colonel O'Neill to shoot him... *shakes fist at BSG*)

Incidentally, the guy who plays Teal'c is kinda scary. Turns out the man actually IS doing a hell of an acting job. I was watching some behind the scenes show one time and the actor's personality is the polar opposite of Teal'c (for those who don't watch the show Teal'c = Spock even moreso than the rest of the characters...)

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vllad - 10-13-2009

Jakensama Wrote:Wheedon doesn't make casting mistakes? Elisa Dushku has an acting range shorter than my sand wedge and is cast as someone that is essentially supposed to play a different character every episode? She may be easy on the eyes, but...

I never got into the Buffy crap, but I will agree Firefly was well cast.

Is she not good in Dollhouse? I haven't seen it yet but Eliza was great in Buffy and Angel.


Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Jakensama - 10-13-2009

From what I have seen from her before I disagree with her acting range, maybe she is okay for one kind of character but to pull Dollhouse concept out successfully you would have to find a pretty versatile actress. I thought the show was complete shit but I didn't give it very long either.

I did find it amusing how Stargate brought in both the Farscape couple and then did that Farscape joke episode.

Farscape is one of my favorite sci-fi series, mostly because it never took itself all that seriously. Plus it was amusing when Rigel killed his Rival and the next episode was carrying his head around on a stick. Shame it got cancelled.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Diggles - 10-13-2009

Slamz Wrote:I'm not sure if Amanda Tapping is bad so much as her character is just bland - she's practically Spock but I can't tell if it's the actress or just the way the character is meant to behave. I liked it when they brought in Claudia Black (the girl from Farscape) towards the end... Come to think of it I think I liked Claudia Black's character mainly because she was the only really lively person on the show. SG-1 doesn't tend to run deep on character emotions (which is not to say that's a bad thing -- it was meant to be militaristic. I think we all recall what happens when writers decide to make overemotional characters in a military show. You never saw General Hammond drink himself silly, cry, smear the walls with paint and ask Colonel O'Neill to shoot him... *shakes fist at BSG*)

Incidentally, the guy who plays Teal'c is kinda scary. Turns out the man actually IS doing a hell of an acting job. I was watching some behind the scenes show one time and the actor's personality is the polar opposite of Teal'c (for those who don't watch the show Teal'c = Spock even moreso than the rest of the characters...)

In the few first seasons Carter is just the mandatory egghead, but then she starts falling in love with O'Neil. She also starts picking up ethics from Daniel and becomes much more critical of what shes doing and how it would impact the galaxy. Spock wasnt interesting at all to me (the few regular tv episodes I watched...movies were somewhat better), just some walking encylopedia. Data and Seven were much more interesting.

And who cant love Dr. Rodney McKay!

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Breand - 10-13-2009

Yeah I couldnt get into Dollhouse, Dushku was just too horrible of an actress to pull it off. I watched the 1st two episodes and she was just sooooo bad. Her range is ebtirely limited to "trashy slut." Joss Whedon needs to create a high concept idea and get on paid cable channels where he belongs. His stuff is too niche for network television.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vanraw - 10-16-2009

Dollhouse was blaaa just ok, for the first 5 episodes. It ended with me wanting more.

I do agree that there may have been better actresses then Elisa Dushku for the role. It is really an opportunity for some actor to really shine in the varying roles. But I think she has done well. I'm going to watch season 2 and see how she evolves.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Hoofhurr - 10-19-2009

She's getting better I think. Or maybe the story-telling is getting better.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vllad - 10-19-2009

I finally watched Dollhouse. If I didn't read this thread I wouldn't have made it threw the first few episodes. However by the last episode where what they were doing destroyed the world in a complete appocolypse it had my attention.

Ironically after watching the un-aired pilot I can't grasp why they didn't go with that version. It made more sense rather then sitting through the first few horrible episodes.

If they keep up with the world in danger thing I might still watch it.


Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - 1000xZero - 10-20-2009

I watched SGU on hulu yesterday and I liked it.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 10-24-2009

I set SGU to record on the TiVo and watched the first two episodes on Hulu (incidentally, hooking up an old machine to a TV to watch Hulu is something I highly recommend).

Pretty good so far though I do wonder if the characters aren't a bit overdramatic. Hoping it's not going to turn out like "Over There", the show where every single character had some abnormal personality flaw/family life issue (or both).

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Jakensama - 10-24-2009

I hope the show gets really good and then captain wallows in paint so it will ruin it for Slamz.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 10-24-2009

Since BSG, that's my leading fear for EVERY show.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vanraw - 10-27-2009

"Paint Wallow". That should be a new adjective, as in "Is the show good or just another Paint Wallow?

It rolls off the tongue. I like it.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 11-09-2009

The officer in charge of the SG:U ship is dangerously close to wallowing in paint. ("Noooooo, baby, let me in! I'm sorry about all that stuff or whatever! I just... want to say.... how much I loooove yoooouu..." Well that's how I remember it going anyway. And then they all went off and did terribly inappropriate things with other people's bodies. Honestly the whole body swapping idea is pretty lame and I wish they'd just stop.)

In related news, I'm going to get tired of this show fast if the whole thing is about the crazy interactions of the crew with each other. I feel like I'm watching "Lost" or maybe a less funny "Gilligan's Island".

It's closer to "Lost" really. Which one of them is John Locke?

Oh and then the girl who gets upset about her ex-boyfriend dating some new chick while she's off in space banging some other dude.

Well, that part is probably realistic.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Moristans - 11-09-2009

Honestly, I stopped watching SG after the first season because I got tired of every new alien planet with a Stargate looking suspiciously like Canada, full of aliens that were indistinguishable from humans speaking perfect English.

I'm seriously waiting for a truly groundbreaking show that gives us something in our aliens besides basically humanoid characters. I'm not talking about human-pick-your-earth-creature-hybrids either. I understand why people are comfortable with our aliens this way. Still, if we are exploring human nature through alien interactions, we don't necessarliy need our aliens to look or act anything like humans. We just need them to elicit recognizeable human responses. To me, they would be more interesting if we didn't have the pre-requisite hot, or goofy, or emotionless alien characters to deal with.

The episodes from various shows that I enjoyed the most are the ones where our human protagonists and antagonists are forced to deal with entities that either are or turn out to be completely alien in nature. The nature of Kosh is probably the reason why I enjoyed B5 as much as I did.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Vllad - 11-09-2009

Moristans Wrote:Honestly, I stopped watching SG after the first season because I got tired of every new alien planet with a Stargate looking suspiciously like Canada, full of aliens that were indistinguishable from humans speaking perfect English.

I'm seriously waiting for a truly groundbreaking show that gives us something in our aliens besides basically humanoid characters. I'm not talking about human-pick-your-earth-creature-hybrids either. I understand why people are comfortable with our aliens this way. Still, if we are exploring human nature through alien interactions, we don't necessarliy need our aliens to look or act anything like humans. We just need them to elicit recognizeable human responses. To me, they would be more interesting if we didn't have the pre-requisite hot, or goofy, or emotionless alien characters to deal with.

The episodes from various shows that I enjoyed the most are the ones where our human protagonists and antagonists are forced to deal with entities that either are or turn out to be completely alien in nature. The nature of Kosh is probably the reason why I enjoyed B5 as much as I did.

So a show where their are only 4 intellegent life forms in our galaxy most of which are human because we were slaves to another race really wouldn't turn you on?


Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Diggles - 11-09-2009

Moristans Wrote:Honestly, I stopped watching SG after the first season because I got tired of every new alien planet with a Stargate looking suspiciously like Canada, full of aliens that were indistinguishable from humans speaking perfect English.

I'm seriously waiting for a truly groundbreaking show that gives us something in our aliens besides basically humanoid characters. I'm not talking about human-pick-your-earth-creature-hybrids either. I understand why people are comfortable with our aliens this way. Still, if we are exploring human nature through alien interactions, we don't necessarliy need our aliens to look or act anything like humans. We just need them to elicit recognizeable human responses. To me, they would be more interesting if we didn't have the pre-requisite hot, or goofy, or emotionless alien characters to deal with.

The episodes from various shows that I enjoyed the most are the ones where our human protagonists and antagonists are forced to deal with entities that either are or turn out to be completely alien in nature. The nature of Kosh is probably the reason why I enjoyed B5 as much as I did.

I guess you missed the big part of the plot that HUMANS ARE ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE, because they're used as hosts by the Goa'uld evil parasite race that has enslaved them, except for earth, that rebeled and buried their Stargate.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Slamz - 11-10-2009

Yeah I find the whole "human alien + English" thing to be pretty forgivable.

The production cost of doing a show featuring actual alien looking aliens would probably make the project unfeasible (or it would turn out like those awful Sci-Fi channel made for TV movies with terrible CGI/rubber suit aliens).

I mean, I liked Kosh, but he was basically a shower curtain. Not sure how many times you can get away with that.

Farscape wasn't too bad I guess -- some puppet action there.

And English, well, I'm not sure how many episodes you can get out of, "Oh great another race of people we can only communicate with via hand gestures". That's where they just need to throw out the whole "we have universal translators...Asgard technology...very!" explanation and be done with it.

Re: SGU - StarGate Universe premier - Jakensama - 11-10-2009

Slamz Wrote:In related news, I'm going to get tired of this show fast if the whole thing is about the crazy interactions of the crew with each other. .

Yes, character interaction is just terrible.

Although tbh I'm not sold with alot of these characters quite yet.