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Application - Vegascat - Printable Version

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Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-26-2012

Hello all!

I'm a 40 year old guy who doesnt have a ton of PvP experience, but I do like to play and I'd like to get into the group as you sound like you're right up my alley - folks with real lives outside the games we play. I'm currently playing Dead Island, but I play Left4Dead 1 and 2, and WoW. I believe I'm under Vegascat in all those games (and on Steam). I'm looking forward to playing with you all! Thanks to Snowreap and his wife for turning me on to The Purge!

Re: Application - Vegascat - FLCatalyst - 09-26-2012

I vouch for Vegascat.

Re: Application - Vegascat - Snowreap - 09-26-2012

hi, thanks for posting.

just so you know, a lot of our members play board games too -- we don't all play online games only (even though that's the only thing I ever talk about).


Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-26-2012

Oh, Cool! I've only gotten back into board games over the last two years or so. As you know I'm a fan of Super Dungeon Explore and want to try Level 7. I have great memories of playing lots of board games growing up.

Re: Application - Vegascat - FLCatalyst - 09-26-2012

I guess your wargaming with your miniatures wouldn't exactly be considered "board" games per se, but as long as we're mentioning your gamer creds...

Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-26-2012

:lol: Yes, well, this is true. I'm not sure how much folks really want to know about me, but as far as gamer cred goes, here's my brief history:

I got into RPGs with the first edition of Marvel Superheroes (yeah, I've been reading comics nonstop since I was a kid)while I was in Junior High School and was instantly hooked! I moved on from there quickly to First Edition D&D, Palladium Fantasy, Champions, GURPS, and other RPGs. In high school I got interested in wargaming and board games and started with Car Wars, Rouge Trooper, Chainsaw Warrior(which I still have), Talisman (which I still have), Bloodbowl (which I still have two different editions of), and others. My gaming group somewhere along the line started playing Warhammer 40k (ah, good old Rougue Trader) and tried Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but dropped it as the mechanics of it just didnt suit us, but we stuck with 40K for a long time (I still have a good sized Eldar army) and dabbled in Battletch and a handful of other wargames. I joined the Navy (does that count as a wargame? :lol: ) and kept playing D&D, Rifts, 40K, got sucked into Warhammer Fantasy (Thank you Ken Lacy!), Necromunda, Man O'War, Mighty Empires, Bloodbowl, played Magic the Gathering for a little while and got my start into really playing modern video games with the original Halo.

Due to many moves while in the Navy (I retired two years ago), as far as wargames go, I really only play Warmachine/Hordes and have sold off all but my Eldar and Skaven armies, that I keep mainly to paint and in case I decide to get back into 40k and/or Warhammer Fantasy. I also occassionally play Bloodbowl, Talisman, Super Dungeon Explore, and play a few card games that I like such as Gloom. Probably my favorite past time is painting miniatures for use in wargames, but also just for pleasure (and occassionaly as gifts).

I don't think I missed anything. Questions, comments, rock throwing? Smile

Re: Application - Vegascat - Xyphos - 09-26-2012

Fuck Eldar. CHAOS 4 LYFE.

And no, I am not one of those stereotypical cheese mongers that run whatever is OP at the time.

I'm one of those lazy bastards that play Khorne, throw red paint at all my models, and then run at you AS HARD AS I CAN. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.

Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-27-2012

Xyphos Wrote:Fuck Eldar. CHAOS 4 LYFE.

Wow, what the welcome! Tongue You must have gotten your head handed to you by eldar players *a lot* for that visceral of a reaction, but its cool and I'm used to it honestly. Well at least you're honest about the lazy painting side of things. Smile As chaos goes, Khorne is nice 'cause its exceedingly simplistic to play - aim. point. release. watch the carnage. Well, that's the idea anyways and it works. Have you seen the latest Kharn the Betrayer model, its easily the nicest one GW has put out in years.

As far as chaos goes though, I always liked/prefered Tzeentch. The models generally look cool (especially the latest edition of stuff) and to be honest seem like more fun to play as they require a bit more thought (as far as the demons went - space marines are space marines, chaos or not).

Re: Application - Vegascat - Xyphos - 09-27-2012

I've played all of the cult armies, as well as an undevided list from time to time, but pretty much anytime Im not playing khorne I feel like im wearing my shoeson my hands. My opponents prefered me playing khorne, as did I.

I haven't actually played in years, but my last battle against eldar was win for me... a pretty brutal win, to be honest. The "fuck eldar" reaction was more or less an all ecompassing "fuck anyone not playing chaos... and as a matter of fact, fuck anyone not playing World Eaters."

6th ed chaos just came out, which means I can play pure World Eater again. Im very excited.

Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-27-2012

Khorne is cool, just not my favorite chaos army. Ah, I see. I've had that kind of reaction in the past, though its usually eldar specific :roll: Have you had a chance to fully digest 6th edition yet?I'm waiting for the eldar codex to come out to see if its worth getting back into 40k again.

Re: Application - Vegascat - Xyphos - 09-27-2012

Fully digest? no. I've skimmed bits and pieces, and my 3rd edition mind is reeling from the changes. It's a lot to take in... Coupled with the fact that GW2 has taken up much of my free time, 40k has taken the back burner to many other activities.

Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-27-2012

I'm in no hurry to pick up the 6th edition rules until I see what the eldar codex is like. A kind friend gave me a gift of the 5th edition rules that I read, but I was already neck deep into Warmachine by then and in the process of moving, so I really didnt try to hard to get into it. I was happy to see the Harlequins make a comeback and at some point I'd like to pick up the newer harlequins to paint.

Re: Application - Vegascat - Snowreap - 09-28-2012

welcome aboard!


Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 09-28-2012

Thank you!!!

Re: Application - Vegascat - Flab - 09-29-2012

You in Vegas?

Re: Application - Vegascat - vegascat - 10-01-2012

Not anymore. I grew up there. Smile I wish I could go back, I miss the place, though the last time I visited my parents there, the traffic was horrendous.

Re: Application - Vegascat - Flab - 10-01-2012

Yes, it still is.