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60 Rogue - Furari - Printable Version

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60 Rogue - Furari - Furari - 11-13-2005

Hi, i would like to apply for The Purge. Im a 60 rogue, im an Enchanter (294) and Tailor (300). I would like to join THe Purge because i am seeking an active, enjoyable, and helpfull guild, with a dash of instance raids as well (ie. MC). I am willing to help contribute to the guild in any way needed, i am very friendly, active, and responnsible. My rogue is currently up to date with very high end blues, and a few purples. I have fire resistance gear as well, i can reach up to 70FR and can get more. My build is 31-8-12 and i do a lot of DPS. Im a good player, and i can appear on time for all the raids, if i cannot do so i will let people know ahead of time. I know exactly how to play my class, and how to deal as much damage as i can while avoiding aggro. In case you need a demonstration, i'll type on here right now. Let's take MC for example. In MC i will deal as much damage as i can while avoiding aggro. I will use moves such as Slice and Dice to increase my DPS. I will hit feint EVERY single time it's up, and im VERY good at that. Many people use Eviscerate, and that's fine, but for raids such as MC it's helpful to use Slice and Dice to maxmise your DPS, and not to aggro as much. If i DO get aggro i will IMMIDIETLY vanish to lose it. If im low on health i will run, sprint or vanish to safety then bandage. I will try not to use up a lot of the priest's mana. And of course i will always come prepared with bandages, potions and more for raids. Aside from that, i am very friendly and will help guild mates in need.

I am sorry if i wrote too much, but i just wanted to show how serious i am and how much i want to join this guild.

- Darkschnider - 11-13-2005

zomg, a non-newb rogue. Since when did these thigns exsist? lolz.
Seems good to me, it's nice to see rogues who aren't obsessed with being top on the dmg tracker.

- Furari - 11-13-2005

Darkschnider Wrote:zomg, a non-newb rogue. Since when did these thigns exsist? lolz.
Seems good to me, it's nice to see rogues who aren't obsessed with being top on the dmg tracker.

Thanks. Yeah id rather take less damage and survive longer and not waste priests heals then try to outdps everyone else. Of course i will try to do as much damage as i could since i am supposed to be a DPS class, but staying alive and not wasting healer's mana comes first.

- WigglesWobbles - 11-13-2005

but can you take elyx

- Furari - 11-13-2005

WigglesWobbles Wrote:but can you take elyx

Elyx? Is that that undead rogue? If so...i don't know...i haven't dueled him. If he isn't, please tell me who he is.

- Darkschnider - 11-13-2005

hehe! Elyx is a night elf warrior who hits ridiculously hard. What was that execute, 6700ish? Yeah...

- Furari - 11-13-2005

Darkschnider Wrote:hehe! Elyx is a night elf warrior who hits ridiculously hard. What was that execute, 6700ish? Yeah...

Ah, never seen him Sad

o rly? - Iluyzhat - 11-14-2005

Quote:and i can appear on time for all the raids

Gee, there's a unique

- Shmobiggles - 11-14-2005

group with us Smile

also, i want to play a rogue now.. knowing that they have skill names like "slice and dice" makes 'cuncusion shot' look rediculous


rogue, "yeah im gonna open with POKE HIS STUPID EYES OUT, then continue with RIP OUT AN ARTIERY AND DRINK IT, then i'l finish up with SLICE AND DICE HIS BRAINS, then maybe GRILL HIS TOES FOR BREAKFAST, and i'll finally end him with GINSUI HIS FRICKING FACE "

hunter, "i'll shoot my 'aimed shot' at some point, thne a 'multi shot'.. i guess that'l help"



nerf rogue skill names

I think you forgot... - Iluyzhat - 11-14-2005

I think you forgot this:

"I'll sneak up behind, SPINE SNAP AND RIP with my one hander and SHRED STOMACH INTO TACO MEAT with my other one hander"


- Furari - 11-20-2005

I am now in Covenant. Please delete this post.