The Purge
Seargent Suervo - Level 54 Rogue - Printable Version

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Seargent Suervo - Level 54 Rogue - Suervo - 11-17-2005

Hey there just applying to The Purge. My name is Suervo I am a 54 Rogue. My talents are currently 30-8-8, by level 60 it will be 30-8-13. I have been looking for a guild for sometime now, but it seems everybody is either not accepting rogues or they have a requirement of level 60, kind of lame. Anyways, I am very friendly and I like to pvp a lot and would love to join the purge and slay some alliance with ya. I heard you guys pvp more than do instances, which is awesome, because doing MC 6 times a week would give me an aneurism lol. I am a 240/240 alchemist/herbalist atm and always give potions away to guildies cuz they are so damn easy to make. Hope i can get an invite asap. See you in game, adios.

- Shmobiggles - 11-17-2005

sounds like you're our style, as far as gameplay goes. It's now up to you to find some purge groups and get to know us.

We work on a voucher system, which means you need to have someone vouch for you for an invite Smile

just start doing /who the purge and grouping up Smile

i've got a buddy who has a (brand new) 52 warrior that might catch up to ya, maybe can work to 60 together


- Raduk - 11-18-2005

What are your playtimes; days and times? Respond with server time please, not with the time of the timezone you are in Smile

Anything... - Iluyzhat - 11-18-2005

Any potions that taste like taco's????

- Shmobiggles - 11-18-2005

seurvo, enjoyed the group last night. Smile I"m embarasd to say that evne tho i was first responce on your post, i didnt recognize your name.

you gotta shout out that you're an applicant!! Big Grin haha .. especialy when im playing 3 characters ^_ ^haha

no, seriously, you played your class very well. No deaths, read chat, pvped (i think) .. good times man, well done Smile

keep grouping up with beefboss and me Smile i wanna run AB instance with you when you're 60 Smile a rogue who knows how to rogue is invaluable for teh ninja ^_^

- Suervo - 11-18-2005

My playtimes are quite a bit atm. Usually 12pm-3 or 4pm, and then back at around 8 or 9pm until 12 or 1am, lol.

It was awesome grouping with you last night Schmobiggles, got some quests done that i wouldnt be able to do on my own and got to know someone from The Purge Big Grin. Thanks, ill continue to look for groups from the purge and hopefully get vouched soon enough. Adios.