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Freeter (IronBreaker) Application - Printable Version

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Freeter (IronBreaker) Application - Freeter - 10-13-2008

1. Name: Freeter

2. Class: IronBreaker

3. Level: almost 31

4. Previous Guild: Officer in BloodLine and was leader for warhammer branch. I left because more then half of the people we had on Ungrim decided to roll destruction on a different server.

5. Past MMO experience: SWG, LOTRO, AoC, DAoC, WAR, and some WoW

I want to join you guys because i always see you out in RvR zones taking keeps and defending keeps. Im always in a scenario with atleast one of you and everyone that i have grouped with so far seem like pretty cool people. It also seems like you guys have your stuff together as a Guild and that is what im looking for the most in a guild which my last one didnt really have. I know there isnt a time frame for being accepted or denied so im going to run without a guild until i here back from you all and i hope to group with you all even more then i have so we can all get to know each other a little better.

Thanks for your time, Freeter

- Karne - 10-14-2008

Hey Freeter! Thanks for the nice app. Best way to get in with us is to get to know us better. When on message Purge's your level and look to get into a group or warband. Look forward to seeing you in game.


- Hoofhurr - 10-14-2008

Yep. Just want to echo that we invite based on a current member vouching for you and the best thing you can do is to politely always get yourself invited to Purge events. We generally have open warbands and scenario parties. It helps to be a good player but we will take cool and/or funny over good any day, just ask Skelas. Cheers.

- GreenTurnip - 10-14-2008

Hoofhurr Wrote:Yep. Just want to echo that we invite based on a current member vouching for you and the best thing you can do is to politely always get yourself invited to Purge events. We generally have open warbands and scenario parties. It helps to be a good player but we will take cool and/or funny over good any day, just ask Skelas. Cheers.

I'm not quite sure I understand... Skelas is neither good, cool nor funny...


- chickenlips - 10-14-2008

maybe funny as in we are always laughing AT him?

- Skelas - 10-14-2008

You fuckers are all stupid.

- Kakarat - 10-14-2008

/point and laugh at Skelas.

- Gnarnok - 10-14-2008

Skelas Wrote:You fuckers are all stupid.

So trolled.

- Sam - 10-14-2008

Also, to clear up another issue. Look for P v P members as well. The Purge and P v P are really one guild, just two different rooftops. We have our reasons for doing it this way, but to know one guild is to know the other.
So look if you don;t see any Purge on for your particular level/group, have a look for P v P as well.

- Freeter - 10-14-2008

Thanks for all your replies ill most deff. look for your guys groups are you all still mainly T3? or T4 now? just want to know so i know where to run my sexy chubby dwarf legs around at. The way you all choose your members is the way we did it in BloodLine also takes time to make sure they are a fit. Also i knew you guys were good pals with PvP i have talked to few of their members in some scenarios the past few days.

Also wanted to tell you a little about myself

Im 24 years old ex special forces Sniper for the US army :twisted: and i like chicken. Smile been playing MMO's since the stone age (well it seems that way anyways) i live in Illinois with my Brother that just recently got out of the Navy (hes a Squid i know). I may or may not be getting called back up into the army but if i do it wouldnt mess with my gaming seeing as ill have internet where i go. Except if i have to go back to Iraq for the 5 time (hopefully not but i dont get that lucky). Other then the Army i dont have to work because i invested my well earned money in stocks and also my best friends Splat Ball company. I have 3 dogs 2 Pure bread Sibarian Huskies and 1 Pure bread Wolf (which is my pride and joy). Um thats it i think for now if i think of anything else you may want to know ill post it here the Embarrassing stuff will come later. :twisted:

- Hoofhurr - 10-14-2008

Love huskies and wolves! We have a lot of military, former and current. We're mostly T3 and don't consider ourselves a hardcore guild. We're pretty chill, come and go as you please type of players who like to win way more than lose. We all respect that real life > game life and many of us are married and have kids n shit =). So no worries there.

- GreenTurnip - 10-14-2008

Ooohh... post pics of the puppies!!! (I know they aren't puppies... i just sometimes call all dogs puppies.) Siberian huskies are by far my favorite and I fully intend to get one as soon as I get a place that can support one. The wife and I plan to get a husky and a yellow lab eventually.


- Vllad - 10-14-2008

We have a lot of old veterans in Purge.

Trust me you are not old. I was firing my M-60 before you were even a twinkle in your mama's eye.


- Freeter - 10-14-2008

Here are the pictures of my huskies

Dakota 6 years old:
[Image: dakota1.jpg]

Colt 3 Years old
[Image: colt1.jpg][/img]

- Chain - 10-15-2008


- Freeter - 10-15-2008

sorry havent been ingame for the past 2 days been taking care of good ol' RL issues but i will be on tonight if you guys have anything planned like taking keeps or scenarios im down to kick some butts. well anyways off to finish some things at my company but when i get back ill do a search for your members and start spamming tells :twisted: