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Application - Namnab/Tinaral - Printable Version

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Application - Namnab/Tinaral - Namnab - 12-01-2008

Edit: Forgot to add "I read that whole post you said applicants should read" :-)

Alright... time to get the ball rolling for me as well.

Namnab - 36 Rune Priest - 200 Salvager/Talisman Maker
Tinaral - 30 Witch Hunter - Scavenger/??

I am in the same situation as Dragonsfire but I will explain it again.

We originally started alts on this server because RvR on Saphery was non-existent. Saphery got the option to move to Ungrim so we did as a guild (Ordinance).

Currently, we have absent leadership. We are looking for a new home and have enjoyed playing with Purge/PvP members.

I have played almost every MMO in existence. Starting with MUDS (if you count them) all the way up to Warhammer. PvP wise I have played Shadowbane, EVE, DAOC... I know I am missing a few.... But once you go up against another person, there is no turned back to completely PvE only.

I think that's it. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. See you all in-game.

- Gnarnok - 12-02-2008

I got ninja waved at yesterday Confusedhock:

Maybe i'll group with ya for more than 5 seconds today

- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Gnarnok Wrote:I got ninja waved at yesterday Confusedhock:

Maybe i'll group with ya for more than 5 seconds today

LOL... Yeah... It was kinda late.. I usually play between 9PM - 12PM/1AM during the week.

I have been grinding quests by myself most nights trying to catch up to my already level 40 friends. If you see me on and need a healer, feel free to send a tell my way.

- Riz - 12-02-2008

Hey now....I'm his heal-bot!


- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Riz Wrote:Hey now....I'm his heal-bot!


Ok... Well then... If you want a gimp 30 Witch Hunter, send me a tell. :-) He is next to get to 40...

- Gnarnok - 12-02-2008

now now, theres no need to fight

you can both heal me i suppose :roll:

OR! fight to the death, 2 stunties enter, 1 stuntie leaves

- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Gnarnok Wrote:now now, theres no need to fight

you can both heal me i suppose :roll:

OR! fight to the death, 2 stunties enter, 1 stuntie leaves

<<Slaps Riz across the face with a gauntlet>>
I challenge you to a duel....... Wait.. one sec..... Let me respec here.... Ok, ready! :-)

- Riz - 12-02-2008

No problem, just let me hop on Schism's vent and ask Jacknife to come ref for it. Don't worry, his knives are full of kisses....


I like this guy!

- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Riz Wrote:No problem, just let me hop on Schism's vent and ask Jacknife to come ref for it. Don't worry, his knives are full of kisses....

Hey now... :-P.. Make it fair at least...

Already hear this music playing in the background... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

- Kakarat - 12-02-2008

haha, the music is great. But a duel between Runepriests would be like watching paint dry.

- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Kakarat Wrote:... like watching paint dry.

I don't know... They increased our DPS... If I spec for the stun (which is in the single target damage line if I remember correctly) and we do have a silence... wonder if I could drop him fast enough..

DOH... I just gave away my secrets!

- Riz - 12-02-2008

Dude, my RP is 28. If you can't drop me fast enough, reroll imo.

Still, I fought a Shaman the other day, solo RvR and both of us the same level. We nuked/lifetapped/healed for around 5 minutes. At that point, I laughed, he waved and we went our separate ways. Nobody was winning that one.

- Namnab - 12-02-2008

Riz Wrote:Dude, my RP is 28. If you can't drop me fast enough, reroll imo.

Still, I fought a Shaman the other day, solo RvR and both of us the same level. We nuked/lifetapped/healed for around 5 minutes. At that point, I laughed, he waved and we went our separate ways. Nobody was winning that one.

LOL... Didn't know... I didn't look up the level of your toon.

I was just messing around anyways. I think any way you cut it, a healer battle would last forever. I don't think I could stop someone from healing enough to kill them with one silence and one stun. Unless I had ESP... Hmm.....

I know, I know... I have too much time on my hands at work... I will shut up now. Hope to see some of ya ingame tonight.

- Namnab - 12-03-2008

Gnarnok, I think your BS run took longer than you thought it would.

I have something I have to do (birthing class with my wife, ugh... ) tonight so I may not be on.

- Gnarnok - 12-03-2008

Oh crap lol! i totally forgot. We had one person DC, then we had to run most of it again, then spent 30 minutes whiping to a bugged boss :cry:

I'll try to find you tomorrow if yer not on tonight

- Namnab - 12-03-2008

It's no problem man.