The Purge
The Resume - Printable Version

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The Resume - jedidiah - 06-12-2005

Hey, I know that I'll need someone in the guild to vouche for me so you know you're not inviting a turd, and I don't think I have grouped with any of your people. But, I love the idea of a PVP guild. The guild I'm in doesn't really do much, and there's a huge level disparity (Only 2 members above 35, and the majority in their 20s, and have been so since I joined at lvl 20-something.) So, I'm really unable to group well with them.

Anyway, I'm a scout now and have been ganking alliance in Hillsbrad and TM and just graduated myself to STV. I've only been beaten a handful of times, not including mass gankings and being squished by roving skulls. But, then I'm a rogue and I'm always sneaking around.

I have 220 LW, 289 Skinning, a final exam to study for, and a girlfriend who gets mad because I play all day. See, I bring quite a bit to the table.

Lvl 37 Troll Rogue

- JawcnScelestus - 06-13-2005

Hello jebidiah, welcome to the Purge's website. Make sure you read all the stickies about our philosophy, and talk to an office in-game about joining our applicant's chat channel.

- jedidiah - 06-13-2005

Jedidiah... with a d. I was once Jebidiah, but when I transfered from Bloody... discharge... or whatever the realm name I was on before, I had to change the b to a d.

Oh yeah, and I'll read up on the philosophy. Will that stuff be on the test?

JawcnScelestus Wrote:Hello jebidiah, welcome to the Purge's website. Make sure you read all the stickies about our philosophy, and talk to an office in-game about joining our applicant's chat channel.

- Hoofhurr - 06-13-2005

Hehe no test =) We just have had people in the past join us and realize we weren't for them even though it is clearly stated everywhere on our website. We just want to minimize the number of people we accept that go "wtf is this pvp shit?" and leave. Moo.

- tanktastic - 06-14-2005

Just figured I'd put my 3 cents in on Jed's behalf. I did one of the low-level instances with him on Blastastic (Wailing Caverns I think?) and he was an excellent team player, mature and unselfish. Seemed like he would fit in well with us.

- jedidiah - 06-14-2005

tanktastic Wrote:Just figured I'd put my 3 cents in on Jed's behalf. I did one of the low-level instances with him on Blastastic (Wailing Caverns I think?) and he was an excellent team player, mature and unselfish. Seemed like he would fit in well with us.

Aw, thanks. So.... uh... who's sword do I have to polish to get in this guild?

- Shmobiggles - 06-14-2005

if by 'polishing sword' you mean "Give ph4t l3wtz and pwrgm" then thats me.

- jedidiah - 06-17-2005

Shmobiggles Wrote:if by 'polishing sword' you mean "Give ph4t l3wtz and pwrgm" then thats me.

I uh... uhm... I'm at a loss for words here. What did you just say?

- GreenTurnip - 06-17-2005

Shmo wants your phat lewts!


- Shmobiggles - 06-17-2005

dont forget powergame!

- Volktar - 06-17-2005

jedidiah Wrote:Aw, thanks. So.... uh... who's sword do I have to polish to get in this guild?

If it was up to me, youd be in for that line alone
PS, my sword IS getting dull...

- jedidiah - 06-19-2005

Volktar Wrote:PS, my sword IS getting dull...

Keep your sheath on, buddy.
So, what else do I have to do to get in? I've been stuck in my 30s for nearly 2 weeks, cuz of my obsession with PVP and a girlfriend who doesn't get video games. But, she's goin back to Japan for a month to get her school visa, so I'll be able to lvl much faster in July.

- Heklor - 06-20-2005

I was told you just need to find someone who is in-guild and play with them Tongue)

Then if you like them and they like you, you've got a recommendation.