The Purge
Application - Felsine - Printable Version

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Application - Felsine - Felsine - 03-06-2011

Hi all, been playing eve with Crice and mentioned that i was getting Rift and looking for a group of folks to game with. He suggested you all and here I am applying.

General background info:
I'm 35 married and have 3 kids (all girls so gaming is my time escape).
I live in Texas and fly c-130s for the military.
I have played many different games like WOW, EVE, Warhammer, Connan, and now Rift.
I'm still quite active in Eve and plan to continue to do so but want another game to spread out my fun.
I enjoy PVP, I'm NOT into role playing. I like group events and doing things as a team more than solo aspects of games.

anyway, that's the basics. I read your new applicant stickys and have no problem using vent or TS or any other voice software.
I just created a new toon 'Felsine' on the same server you all are on in Rift, so drop me a line and say hello or whatever.

Re: Application - Felsine - Crice - 03-06-2011

I vouch for Felsine, I play EvE with him and he is one of the directors. Good dude,

see ya in Rift!


Re: Application - Felsine - Slamz - 03-07-2011

Welcome aboard.

Re: Application - Felsine - Vllad - 03-07-2011

Just a few rules so everyone is on the same page.

1. Choose a name wisely for your board name and plan to use that for game purposes. We would prefer that we know who we are dealing with when we play with them. It also makes the invite process easier when we start new games. For example on my first day in Rift someone sent me a tell I haven't heard from since EQ in 99. Why? My name is Vllad and always has been. Choose wisely.

2. If you ever have any issues please elevate those to your officers.

3. Board access is limited to certain sections. As time goes on and we learn you aren't an asshat you can gain access to other sections.
