Applicant - Morgred 40 Orc Warrior
Hello All,

I am currently a 40 Orc warrior. I came to Crushridge to play Horde with friends, I have a 60 NE Rogue on Stormscale. I have a MMORPG background of EQ, DAOC, and AC. I am friends with Zayl and Ogreosh. I am a casual player that is looking for a group of folks that I will be able to raid with and PVP with. I have been an officer in a couple of guilds in my past and what I have seen and heard of The Purge lets me know it is a good place to call a home. I have been assisted several times already by The Purge just because they were running by and saw I needed assistance looks like a great bunch of people.

From a personal note I am a Father of 2 and this reinforces the fact that I am a causal player. The most important things for me are enjoying friends and the game.

OK, no offense to any of you guys, and these are just my thoughts, but since when does inviting one RL friend turn into 4?

Not sure if/what there is a policy on this, and I understand your reasoning, but it seems out of hand.
I'm not sure but Im thinking this must be the Orleans dayshift crew. I know they played an Alliance on another server... Hey Dave, if this is the Orleans guys, have em put that in here. Ill say they are all good guys, besides sweating the money too much hahaha.....
ok, when I was invited to come to this server, it was by friends of mine from work. I told them I convenced a few other to change servers to ply the horde. They just wanted to all be together in the same guild. If this is a problem, just let me know. I was never told there was a limit on friends that could join.
Not a problem at all, Zayl. Tarnek was just curious and I think it came across wrong. Tarnek = the man!

I'd love to chat with you guys about it anytime. And let's talk about this app a bit more. :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
oh yea, it is orleans dudes.... Cool man, I say bring em in.... The more Vegas'ites the better .... heh
Yeah, im not trying to be mean, or evil spirited, its just the type of question, "Well I got in by knowing a person in RL, and my friends wanna come too, but wait they know people too, and they wouldn't mind being invited.."

Not sure if I am making sense, I was up til 5AM last night and my heads throbbing...


<3 you all
it is np Tarnek, I was just stating a reply. Now on the app, Morg is a good war, has played a war in eq for more years than he will admit too. He, like me, has a level 60 alliance rogue. We both are finding it fun to do the same quests from the hordes point of view. Zayl
Well guys I have clawed my way to 42 through the holidays! I hang out in the applicants channel and I hope to get to know all of you better. I am a BS going Axe Weaponsmith. Smithing is at 252(5) something working hard to get that up and and have it be useful!

I hope my application hasn't caused any problems I look forward to trying to be a contributing member of The Purge if I get my opportunity!

Morg 8)

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