Application - Tinandra
Hi ! I'm 19 and i speak french but i understand english Tongue. I play mmorpg since WoW, pre-bc. Now, I'm playing Rift. PvP is my past-time in mmo. I can gank noobs from morning to night xD. Pve is not really for me, but i do some for weapon or some gear for pvp Smile. I am now a cleric lvl 50, rank 3 ( i stopped rift from patch 1.2 to1.5) and i try to up my rank to kick more ass xD.

All I can say is look for us when we are PvPing (which is most of the time). Group with us a bit and let us get to know you. That's always the first standard response.
Rizxen - Master of Clones

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