Unknown device... IT question
Ok so a coupld of months ago I started getting a pair of windows hardware installer windows popping up wanting to install soem unknown devices. I have no idea what they are for. any ideas on what I can do to resolve this?
Gameless (for now)
Not sure... could be something like your USB 3.0 controller or some other on-board device that you actually don't have proper drivers for, but which you haven't been missing so far because you aren't using it. Maybe poke around your Device Manager (just type "Device Manager" in the run/search box at the start menu) and see if you see anything with warning symbols next to it, which would be a device that isn't working.

And check the back of your computer for physical keyloggers. :-p

(It's probably just mysterious pieces of motherboard hardware, though.)
Yea, my bet would be a USB device. Could be something as simple as a new thumb drive??

But assuming you know what you have plugged into your computer, and you know that you should always use a tech condom..... my bet would be that microslop has updated one of your drivers with its update.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
There is free software out there that can help you figure out what the unknown devices are.
Slamz Wrote:And check the back of your computer for physical keyloggers. :-p

There was just a slashdot arcticle about a professional bank robber/information systems security consultant that did that. Pretended to be Fire Marshall and his assistant would put USB keylogger dongles on office computers. They come back 3 days later to pick them up.
[should not have shot the dolphin]

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