Hey Purge members! My name in game is Kazule (sorc heals) and I am looking for a new home. Currently I am in a guild that I started with my RL friends, but we all know how that goes. I am primarily interested in pvp but I will pve when the lockouts are up no problem. I heard about you guys from grouping with Chuu a couple of times and made a decision to apply based on his performance. He is the only one since launch who kept his heals/dmg number near and/or over mine. Now whether that is good or bad I will let you be the judge :p. I am valor 56 missing relics/bracers for full champ and have 2 set pieces from hard modes.

My history of gaming started with 2 maxed toons in AOC (broken end game pvp), 2 in WoW (meh), 2 in Warhammer (my game! 100 Order WP Torpedovegas Ungrim>Badlands and Xorr Destro Sorc), 2 in Rift (LOL1BUTTONMACROSPAM = no skill), and now SWTOR as mentioned above. Love huge battle pvp and premade warzones.

A little personal information is that I played some D1 baseball at MU till I tore my Rotator Cuff. Took a break from school to be closer to my 2 year old nephew. I'm 24 currently going to school at MU for computer science and working at T-mobile. So if you do not accept me I will turn your phone off :p

Looking forward to seeing you guys out there!
I'll vouch for Kaz's PVP skills. He damn near broke my record when he hit 565k heals on voidstar the other day, but luckily I hit 575k the very next match. Can't hurt to have more badass healers.
SteamID - sharpasmarbles
I have a hard time believing there are 2 people on the Imperial side who heal in WZes so I approve of this app just because I want to see hell freeze over.
Am all for more healers in Wz's. I have guard....
All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
Karne Wrote:I have guard....

That's like telling a back-alley coke dealer you have cash
SteamID - sharpasmarbles
I'm still Confusedhock: at what was implied from
Chuu Wrote:Can't hurt to have more badass healers.
Then what are we waiting for? Wink
Chuu Wrote:
Karne Wrote:I have guard....

That's like telling a back-alley coke dealer you have cash

Nothing more satisfying than to hear Chuu yelling at us tanks to put guard on him as he dies. Almost as much fun as hearing Riz's death rattle across Vent.
Arnon Wrote:
Chuu Wrote:
Karne Wrote:I have guard....

That's like telling a back-alley coke dealer you have cash

Nothing more satisfying than to hear Chuu yelling at us tanks to put guard on him as he dies. Almost as much fun as hearing Riz's death rattle across Vent.

No, that just means the tanks suck fat fucking dick if they have to be told to do their job.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Kazule, message me in game if you haven't gotten an invite yet.
Breand Wrote:I have a hard time believing there are 2 people on the Imperial side who heal in WZes so I approve of this app just because I want to see hell freeze over.

Are you implying that I don't heal? Careful Breand...you just may end up getting no heals from me.
Rizxen - Master of Clones

Hop onto vent would like to play with you some.

All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.

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