application for GW2
Hi, so Guild Wars 2 is a game I plan on playing and have been talking a lot about it with my friend Leon at work. He suggested that I apply for your guild. I plan on playing quite a bit and enjoy the pvp and pve aspects of the game. Been a mmorpg gamer for a long time and I hope to meet some cool people along the way if you let me in your guild. Thanks for your time. Smile
Sebrent = Leon?
Patrick - 7X GM Dexxer (retired)
Zik the Elflord - 75 Elf BW Thief (retired, because the servers got taken down..)
Xyphos - 40 Swordmaster (retired)
WoW Toons - Three 120's, and Twenty Eight 100+'s
GW2 - The Xyphos Army
Nope that would be me. He is a working buddy of mine. Cool guy think he will be a great addition to the guild.
Women's best makeup are their smiles.
Welcome aboard!

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