
with the approach of GW2 and the chance to finally play again on US Servers I would like to apply to this fine guild. I am Snukie. I'm an old EQ1 VZ Player from way back. Some of you might remember me from back in the day in game and/or the IGN-Forums. Others know me from the Egads! Forums where I have been a regular poster since 2002. Breandan just posted on Egads! that you guys will be active in GW2 so I thought that would be a good chance to drop in my application.

For those of you who have no clue who I am here a little introduction.

As I said I'm Snukie, I'm 33 years old and live in Germany. I started online gaming with Ultima Online but my real love became Everquest 1 on Vallon Zek, where I spend most of my time in a Gnome/Dwarf/Halfling Guild hunting anything down that was bigger than a dwarf. Since then I moved on to some other games, hanged out for awhile with some of the Ancient Dawn guys at the start of WoW but never found really a game I could call home, at least since DAOC. Anyway the only game I have been playing regulary since 2008 is EvE online, where once again I followed my bloodlust, started scanning down Missionrunners ( PvE Guys) in High and Lowsec, blew them up and became a pirate.

I have been following GW2 since the start I have been taking part in any Beta Event since then. I really enjoy the WvW aspect and the PvE is quite refreshing.

I'm looking forward to play with those again I used to hunt down 12 years ago and to make new friends on the way.

Last but not least something for the giggles: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Cu in game

Snukie! <3
[80 Ranger] Seretogis (Sylvari) <The Purge> -- Ehmry Bay -- 400 Jeweler & 400 Huntsman
[50 Psionicist] Seretogis (Dark Elf) -- Varking (Retired) -- <Xanit K`Ven>
[60 Mage] Seretogis (Undead) -- Mannoroth (Retired) -- <Predestined>
Formerly Garorm / Garzok of <Torrent>, Vallon Zek
Hey ho Seretogis, taking a break from Orcs must die 2?
Snukie, get in our Team Speak server and start playing with us.
Schatzi, was gibt neues?
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
Enjoying GW2 login screen

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