New Applicant: Mousie
I would like to join The Purge, mostly so I can help the juggernaut that is our clan run smoothly and uncontested in future endeavors. I love being a helper, my main desire is trading to build both my and the clans stores of wealth, and also transporting equipment to the front lines to be used by others. While trade is what I do 90% of the time, I'm also working on increasing my rank, currently capped at 250, so that way I can help more efficiently.

Yes, I know that if I like trading, I should go to a clan that is more peaceful, but that is not what I want. I would like to help a clan that get things done for the good of France, even if it means sacrificing trade on the more dangerous routes.

I'm looking to leave my old clan ICS because I've recently learned that they do not care about France, but themselves, leaving their own countrymen to fight hard battles on their own, all the while thinking they are in the right.

My current ratio of ships are currently 8:1, trade to combat. I can't pretend that I'm good at PvP, but I love working for a good team, and am eager to learn and get better, becoming a more useful asset to the clan and those who I will eventually call my friends.

Don't know if you'd like personal info, so I'll cut it off here. o7
Mousie Wrote:Yes, I know that if I like trading, I should go to a clan that is more peaceful, but that is not what I want.

I can't pretend that I'm good at PvP, but I love working for a good team, and am eager to learn and get better,

I like the two things above.
Hey Mousie! It's cool to know there are other females in NA. Big Grin
I like trading as well, second to PVP (and I'm a PVP noob :oops: ), and will happily go on trade runs with you or escort you around. In fact, I find eco warfare -so- fun, running around in a traders Lynx, with a trader in fleet, in enemy waters & snatching up & selling the trade goods so they cannot. :evil:
Hope to see you on the seas Smile (FYI, I only play weekends due to work and learning web developpment in my off time).

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