Crethdasneak 60 rogue
Hey! I've heard The Purge is a fun raiding guild, and that's exactly what I'm looking for. I'd like to get some good loot with a guild that enjoys what they are doing.

I'm a level 60 rogue, I've got 4 epics and all the rest are blues. My unbuffed fire resistance is 83. I know my class very well and am a valuable asset in any raid or battleground because I know what I am supposed to be doing.

I have a lot of raiding experience, I've done Molten Core up to Shazzrah and am looking to go further into it. I have tons of experience in Zul'Gurub as well. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone in The Purge that I can think of...

My spec is 21/8/22 which is the classic rogue dagger spec pretty much. I just respecced to it, and I'm liking it a lot. So yeah, I'm just looking for a good guild that knows what they are doing, will let me raid with them, and is fun to be with!
Do you guys speak latin? So do I Tongue
the creth Wrote:Do you guys speak latin? So do I Tongue

I speak Orc and as I understand it, they are both pretty much as usuful in the real world, so I'll just stick with my native Orcish.

As far as joining the Purge, tell us why you would be an asset to us.
Do you understand where Purge is in the manner or Instances and raids.
Have you read about what The Purge is all about?
Are you willing to send me 25g a week?
These are topics we typically like to see in an app before we consider accepting.

I'm just a member though, not an officer, but I've read enough apps to know what is gonna be asked of you, so I thought I'd hop on in.

Raids are crowded and many folks sit the bench.. if you are looking primarily to do instances for better gear, you're considering the wrong guild....
Sam's nailed it. Although the 25gs goes to an interest bearing account in my name. I promise to hold it for you until you retire and then you'll see massive returns on your investment. I swear it.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
You made me pay 50G....

Seriously, ok, it was 75G, but I got a really great 10 Slot bag for joining!

Seriously Serious...please provide some feedback on Sam's requests...
We only take take SF rogues per Gnarnok's directive....

Convert or be.....dang how is it said in Riddick? That Necromonger thing?

Oh well. Big Grin
Hey! i did not demand anyone change to seal fate...

its just that good :wink:
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
Hey try and get to know some of our members, maybe join a few in some BGs. We can then get you onto our TS and you can chat us up a lil to see if youre a fit for us. Thanks for the app.
Okay, will the way, my unbuffed FR is now 98.

About those request's made by "Sam"...why would I be an asset to The Purge? I enjoy raiding and know how to do it. I have a lot of fun playing World of Warcraft and have tons of raid experience with my class. Yes, I know where the purge is in terms of raiding and I know what you are all about. I'm just trying to find a guild that knows what they are doing in raids and has fun doing it, like me. Although I'm not so sure about that 25g a week...:P
Every sentance you wrote has the word Raid in it Tongue

Which like they said isnt happening very often atm, do u agree with our PvP policies too?
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
If you're here to raid, you're probably in the wrong spot my friend. Just a little bit of info, our raiding schedule is at best "sporadic" at this time. Summer does that to a guild. To be honest, we may not make another MC or 40AQ for another 2-3 months. Sure we do some 20 man, but those are not daily occurences either, and have even failed to get started for lack of interest/numbers/etc.

And there is no guarantee that you'll make every raid you show up for. We have in the past had 10-15 extra people show for raids, and someone get's left out. And it isn't based on "first-come-first invited" so just be aware of that.

So, with this info, I'll ask now how do you see yourself being an asset to The Purge, and how do you feel about our PvP policies?

I'll be completely honest here and say that we are probably not the type guild you think we are or the type of guild you are looking for.

Yes, we have highly organized raids...when and if they happen. During the Summer, our raiding schedule is spotty at best. A lot of us feel that it's a good time of the year to unplug and enjoy the great outdoors.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...

#13 bad, I completely misunderstood what you guys were about. Thanks for reading anyways!
PvP raids are the only raids right?
Shammy wit moocho mojo
they're the only raids I've ever been on. is there some other kind?

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