Warhammer Application - Dagan
Hello Folks,

My gamer name is Dagan. I've known Jakensama in real life for almost 10 years now - since college. We started off playing Ultima Online (I still hate him for that by the way) and even played World of Warcraft for a bit before he left to the darkside (which I also hate him for). And...not sure if he'll appreciate this little gem of knowledge...we played some AD&D in the dorms while strapped for cash one summer (now he hates me too).

I was an active dungeon crawler in WoW and took a lot enjoyment out of breaking the new instances for the first time. I didn't really get into PVP until later - paladinitis I believe it's called - but had an immense amount of fun when they implemented thost bigger battlegrounds. It's been a long time since I've screamed at a monitor so much, I sort of miss it. The last few years have been good to me career-wise so WoW sort of dropped off the radar. I'm interested in Warhammer mostly to hang out with Jakensama and make some new friends but will not be reaching for that hardcore level of play I lost myself in with WoW.

After talking with Jakensama I think I'm leaning towards an Empire Warrior Priest. I like support characters with healing abilities, obviously.

If I missed any pertinent details please let me know.

Dagan Xir
Don't see everything you believe.
He's got my voucher, we'll fully turn him from his old bluebie roots...
Jakensama Wrote:He's got my voucher, we'll fully turn him from his old bluebie roots...

Emperor: The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
Darth Vader: If he could be turned, he would be a powerful ally.
Emperor: Yes. Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Darth Vader: He will join us or die, my master.
My name is Waeloga and I approve of this message.
"Well if there is a god its nice to see the purge will have a solid representation in hell, which is good - we wont have to pug it." ~Jakensama
Hmm known Jake for 10 years? Then I expect a quality Jake's Mom joke from this guy....
indeed! I demand entertainment at Jake's expense!
Yes, the only way we can take this guy is if he can produce a good and new Jake joke every 10 mins.
BEfore that can happen we have to have a first "good ,jake joke".
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
He does realize he will actually have to PvP if he joins? =)

Glad you saw the light finally.
Game Tags
Skaag51, Xbox Live
Skaag555, Steam ID
If by PVP you mean drag Jake into a fight we can not possibly win and then leave him there, then yes, yes I'm all for PVP.

Not sure if this counts as a joke but if Jakensama's mother hadn't called him a blubie fef while PVP shanking his ass 3 years ago he'd never had switched servers and played Horde...
Dagan Xir
Don't see everything you believe.
Added to the Initiates user group.

Much obliged.
Dagan Xir
Don't see everything you believe.

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