app for warhammer
Hello gents
my name is Thoace in WAR. I am very much in love with PvP. I feel it is what makes MMO's the great games that they are. I've played pretty much every MMO out there. EQ, EQ2,FFXI, Ragnarok Online, Lotro, WoW, SWG, Vanguard, AoC and I am absolutely LOVING War.(particularly the wonderful RvR system)

I am interested in joining your guild because guilding is how you get the most out of a game, and I have heard from my friends that you guys are cool dudes(I have met Dagan, and he is supporting that information). I am a great team player and very social, and I am very good friends with Siphen and Pazu and Merix as well.

Pls message me in-game(Thoace) if you require any additional information. Thank you.


Good friend, and good player. I vouch
#3! :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
Welcome, and thanks for apping!

Please check out this thread:
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I only mention it because of the u4ea/Thorace thing.
~ The Duskwood Gankster ~
WoW & Beyond: Grizzle / Grizol
EQ/SB: Rafkin / Kriticos / Dudain
It's not particularly endearing making your first impression that of a intolerant sexist bastard.
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Chain Wrote:It's not particularly endearing making your first impression that of a intolerant sexist bastard.

Was the an edit I missed?
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
There was not, talking about the comments he made in guild chat. Think it was something along the lines of women and drunk men shouldn't be allowed to drive, but at least the drunk guys knew what they were doing. Followed by saying that sexism was just an excuse for women's incompetence, a statement about beating the shit out of his mother and then a joke about getting aids from fat bitches.
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
New people will have to get used to the tone of the guild.

It's certainly worth a general reminder that The Purge is not a high school locker room or an Alaskan fishing boat. We're not asking for Catholic standards that would make the Pope proud but they do need to be aware that our average age is around 35 and some people even play the game with their kids.

Guild chat and especially vent should aim more for a "neighborhood barbecue" setting and less of a "cheap strip club in the bad part of town" setting.
Slamz Wrote:Guild chat and especially vent should aim more for a "neighborhood barbecue" setting and less of a "cheap strip club in the bad part of town" setting.

You've clearly never been to Flab's famous Neighborhood Strip Club on the West Side Bar-b-que and Pole-Dance-off"

it's effing hot

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