Warhammer Application

I am Crevel, and I was told highly about you from Zantis. He told me you guys are great people, what you stand for, and I would be honored to fight alongside you guys!

My gaming history. I started on EQ back in '99, I joined Zantis' sister's guild right away, we have been playing MMO's ever since. We played EQ until WoW launched, moved over there, and we have been co-leading the guild Sek Sea Pirates. We are a CASUAL raid guild, and did all the preBC raid content, but TBC content we havent got any further then SSC/TK due to drama from what you would call "asshats" (don't we ALL hate that?). I honestly have not done alot of PVP, I was always a raider, but raiding in games has started to bore me, and when I got my job with Zantis IRL, he started telling me all the fascinating stories of PVP across many different games, so I'm intrigued. I created a High Elf Swordmaster (I guess I havent mentioned I've always been the main tank?) and fell in love with Warhammer, and plan on playing it casually, and the PVP scenarios already amaze me =D

Kodos for reading stickies ahead of time, and for trying to read other places to start to get to know faces, but I'm not special enough (*yet* I hope!) to get to know anyone outside of this section of the forums, so I hope to meet you all in game!

I failed to mention that I'm still playing WoW with my g/f and still actively leading the guild, so what I'm looking for is cusual game play still, which means I'll be playing mostly in mornings and if it's in the evenings then I'd be playing during the week.

Hope to meet you all in game! Still have not had the chance to talk to you guys, but I know how procedures like this work =)
Good guy! I totally vouch for him! I basically convinced him to play with me so I'm hoping he can join me in the guild! Big Grin
Wtf ever.

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