Oli's WAR application
Character: Oli (Ironbreaker)

Why I'm applying: I've spent a couple nights PvPing with groups from the Purge in tier 2 and really enjoyed it. My current guild are good guys, but the active players are all in tier 3 and about to hit tier 4. In other words, its a little lonely.

MMO experience: I've only seriously played 2 MMO's. I played WoW a good deal and did all of the end game instances pre BC up to AQ40. The expansion came out then and I lost interest mainly due to guild drama. I also played pirates of the burning sea on the British side (Guadeloupe-Antigua server). I was a member of a small guild that wasn't terribly active so I really didn't end up doing much other than ship construction.

What I'm looking for: I'd like a group of players who are casual, but when they do play they are interested in improving their skill and understanding of the game. I'm hoping for a good mix of PvE and PvP game play from Warhammer, so I’m interested in advancing both in PvP ranks and in raid progression.

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Don't Drink and Derive, Alcohol and Calculus don't mix

Oli - level 31 Ironbreaker - Ungrim server Warhammer
Michael Davis - level 50 Freetrader - Antigua Server British - Pirates of the Burning Sea
Cahir Braiden - level 43 NO - Antigua Server British - Pirates of the Burning Sea
good to see a former POTBS player.

use /who "the purge" to find some of our T2 guys you've been pvp'ing with and ask them for our vent info, so we can get to know you better

make sure you've got a headset and working mic
[should not have shot the dolphin]
There is endgame PvE content on Warhammer? Confusedhock:
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.

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