New Member Application - Tyram (Sardurkar)
Hello all,

I'm a real life friend of Orsun's and I know some of your membership back in the day when I still played World of Warcraft on the Bleeding Hollow & Crushridge PvP servers and was playing a Tauren druid named Sardurkar.

I've spoken with Orsun and he told me that all of you were on the Ungrim (sp?) server, and I thought it would be cool to reconnect with some of the people I've met in Purge before and I look forward to meeting new friends in the guild as well.

Since I'm completely new to this game, I decided to roll a Human Warrior Priest and see if it complements my playing style. I don't consider myself to be a hardcore 24/7 gamer, as I have real world obligations to attend to.

However, having said that, when I am in game, I'm very willing to help others out, whether it involves mundane PvE questing or gratifying PvP mass murder. I'm also willing to take advice and constructive criticism and am always eager to hear about new strategies that can improve my in-game performance.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this application. Hope to see you all in game !!

- Tyram
Great guy, and without a doubt gets my vouch

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