UnF Access thread
Posting for access to please!

I won't be there on Tuesday either Sad (only just hit 58 last night) - but I hope to be able to come soon! though I did get the MC attunement quest done :lol:
OrsunVZ Wrote:omg it gets worse... yeah comment still stands, cept change maim to murder in teh face.

You just gave me the biggest smile I've had all day!
Latency... you need the Macromedia Flash plugin in order to view the upper portion of Purgare.net That is where I have the menu (its all flash driven).

As for all you UnF folks... as soon as I get a few minutes (sorry but work is nuts right now) I will get you all access to the Alliance forums so you can see the posts there.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Latency, Zarella, Brodie_UnF, Fill, and Andorah...

You should all have access to the WoW Allies section. Let me know if you have any problems.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Working as intended boss.

Thank ya.
Undead and Fabulous
Yup, can get in.

But yeah. Like I posted in our forums, this is why I hate the Millitary.... You say you need to jet early. They say they need you for an hour and a half to two hours tops then you can jet for the day.....but then they keep you for nine hours. :/

Logging in as soon as the repair utility un-farks my copy of WoW, but I'm kinda pissed that I missed the raid.
it's working, thankya
Warlord of Undead and Fabulous
Join the fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma!!!
Another UnF post for access:

Keshaldra, 60 priest.
Currently 31 Disc/20 Holy.
MC attuned
Halfway through Onyxia chain as of 9/1/05

If there's anything else I need to know, or that you need to know from me....I'll try to take care of it.
lemme in

Zarella Wrote:
Quote: it takes more than having repeated sex with a man to be considered female. So they are male, but with an asteric.

LOL - so mean!

Yep, very testosterone laden guild-culture. I can see that already!

You think this is bad you should see guild chat sometimes.
Ello everyone Smile Been great raiding with yas, could i get access to the friends type section eh?
He said: "eh"

Awesome Smile
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Blama Canadia
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
Hey folks,

I have had alot of fun on past raids and look forward to many more successful runs. (I'm really just posting for access, but I felt like I should have more to say than just "access please") Look forward to seeing you all in-game. Until then I remain,

Merrily slaying alliance,
Keshaldra, Ello, Kallis, andn Gnawbone... you folks should be all setto see the allied raiding section now.

Let me know ifyou have any problems.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Zarella Wrote:
Quote: " and one that we all *thought* was a female - backed up by a long illusion in EQ - but "she" turned out to be a "he!" We still call him a ho tho."

That would be me!!

Ho posting for forum access. Better late than never =D
Your Hoe-ness has been added.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)

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