Application Information
Hello All,
I am new to the Crushridge Server but not WOW. I have some scumbag Alliance on Lightnings Blade, 60 Rogue, 36 Druid and a 42 Paladin. This is my first time playing Horde and I LOVE it. I do not plan on going back to the "other side".
I am currently playing a 37th level Shaman, man do they rock. I have been through three Guilds since starting this toon and man have they been terrible. Nobody is ever on, talks or gets together for anything. I need to find a good Guild that I can grow with and kill some Alliance scum along with the occasional instance run. My friend happened to be on the other night with me and told me of a group LF2M for SM. so I whispered to Mujus and they let me join and summoned me to SM. It happened to be a group of three from Purge. We managed to get and other and did very well on the run. I liked how everyone worked together and kept me healed since I was the "Tank", lol. I would like to continue working with a Guild that has fun and works well together.
Thank You for taking the time to read this and I hope you see to letting me join the ranks. Cya in game.

Loathesome, 38th lvl Shaman
For The Horde
Loath <3, I'll vouch for this shaman been questing with him for the past 3 or 4 days good team player and definitly not an "asshat" show the love and post a reply ^^
I was helpin Blacksong out in Arathi, and Loathesome was there. He handles his Shaman well, and could be an asset to the guild come time for staight Purge AV raids. He has my vote.
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...

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