Warlock Application
Hi my name is Tim (Dyrocles in game).

These are my details:

Name: Dyrocles
Class: Warlock
Level: 35
Time Played (on this character): 5 days 15 hrs
Spec: Affliction

About me,

i have been playing on crushridge since december 10th ish, can not really remember. originally rolled a rogue, and leveled to 60 over 4 months. I was a member of the Mechanical Squirrels and then a member of Retired Squirrels. I Left RS due to fall outs within the leadership, i had organised succesful UBRS raids (got us to point doing 1.5hrs and no wipes), Molten Core (killed lucifron twice before fall out) and many other instances.

I got alot of PVE skill and knowledge but i love to PVP, always sitting in WSG que hoping for a game! I enjoy a good laugh while PVPing and PVEing. Im not a serious gamer, what mean by this im not all about loot or whatever, if you ninja my item ill get over it pretty quick.... I enjoy the community atmosphere and friendships built while making alliance do corpse runs Smile

My reference is Volktar aka Unurthed who is a good mate mine for sometime now.

Thanks For listening
Hi Tim,

Thanks for applying to The Purge. Best way to get an invite now that you have app'd is to find Purge players in game and group with them and get one to vouch for you on the forums.

Paene: Level 60 Undead Rogue
"The Rogue is a profession, not a class"
"Knowledge is Power"
[Image: paene.png]
just wondering where at with this.... i have not joined guild eager to join purge

mate voktar said he vouched for me
Look for me (Lowkki or Oakey) and we'll figure it all out.
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>

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