Xhar: Level 1 Warrior
Hi, I used to play Alliance on this same server with the same name (Xhar) he was a level 60 Pally. I deleted him and rerolled horde because I really didnt like many people on alliance. I have a microphone and Ventrillo installed.
What i can offer the guild: Good, Smart player, I understand guild before self, it is the only way a guild will be sucsessful. I am 20 Years old and I live in Michigan I work at a local nightclub as a Bouncer. I do not attend school ATM, but I plan on going back soon. What I would expect out of a guild are non-selfish people, and level 60's that know how to play their class, ORGINAIZATION in raids and pvp (hence ventrillo).

Well I am going to get leveling =] hope to see u in game.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
It's nice to see that you have realized the error of your ways in going alliance... and have come to the dark side. Smile

So, what guilds, if any, were you in on the Alliance side? Why are you interested in Purge?

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
I was a member of GHoST for some time level 35-55 then i took a break from wow for a few months came back and GHoST was entirely dead so i joined the sister guild The Wratih and the people running the guild are casual gamer type players. I play this game to lvl and then PvP and high lvl instance raid, but above all else PvP i play this game very agressively i dont like to "take my time and look at the flowers" so to speak i want to power through it and get to end game fun stuff. Although The Wraith is a large guild i didnt like the casual game play mentality, taking 2 hrs to do a UD strat run with 10 people is too long, it was like that with everything we did. So I left that guild in search of nothing, really just doomed to doing Pick ups forever (wich always seem to fall apart at the final boss, or take 1hr getting ready.) Then i joined Spartas Theory. I joined that guild when there were 25 members and started to help the leader build it (this was only a couple weeks ago) the guild was for dedicated players that knew how to play their class and didnt just totaly suck. The leader (Arttreyu) knew what he was doing so i hopped aboard. Then i just thought to myself, "the alliance outnumbers horde on this server, i am getting sick of pickup groups with the same people that ninja and dont know how to play their class" so i just said screw it and deleted all my toons (60 Pally, 26 Rogue, 24 warrior, 18 mage, 18 hunter, 12 priest) and rerolled horde on this server just so i can kill the little noobie alliance players i hate so much.

Why i want to join The Purge is because i like the name first off, and most importantly i have PvP'ed against alot of The Purge and most of them seem pretty decent. Plus i hated you guys while i was a low lvl so i figured id love to play with you =] my warrior is now lvl 10 and im gunna jump back on him and lvl some more, thx and hope to talk to you guys in game =]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
i just read the WoW trivia, and yah i like the answers =] this sounds like the perfect guild for me, plus i have more ambition to kill alliance than most bc alot of the stupid ones pissed me off and i want to taste their blood....
I kinda feel like Arthas.... WICH ONE OF YOU IS THE LICH KING! /bow

PS. I am waiting on getting any profs untill i hear from you guys about joining. If i do not get in then I will just get farming profs if i do get in then ill get profs the guild needs most, unless you dont need anything inparticular in wich case ill still get farming profs ; ]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
I feel your pain Xhar. I have a lev 60 pally on Whisper and rolled a Tauren on here to try and figure out how to kill Horde. After a couple weeks playing Horde I was amazed at how boring and stupid alliance really are and now I have so much joy in killing dwarf pallies. I've never regretted dropping the pally.
Legio Decima Equitata
<img src="http://www.purgare.net/roster/sig.php?name=Lathanar" border=0>
Ya pallies are pretty boring, In instances all you do is heal but your not as good as a priest and then buff, no DPS no tanking, nothin I COULD tank with my pally but i couldnt get aggro as fast as a warrior. Pallies are alright in pvp but still not as fun as other classes seem. So i said screw it, and i deleted him and rerolled horde on this server so i could kill alliance noobies =]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Quote:but above all else PvP i play this game very agressively i dont like to "take my time and look at the flowers" so to speak i want to power through it and get to end game fun stuff.

We are a very casual guild, who just happens to have a tone of 60's. For example, we are doing MC, but have yet to get past Mag, and we've been doing this for 4 or 5 months, so don't expect to see the "end game" anytime soon, unless your "end game" is being 60 of course.
How many members/60's does this guild have? i thought it was 2nd largest on horde side.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
I really don't know where we fall inn term's of membership compared to other horde guilds... but our primary focus is PvP. Always has... and it always will be.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Id say we're definitely in the Top 5 but with so many guilds collapsing and reforming under new banners its hard to keep track. I will say we are one of the most stable in that respect Smile
We're a large guild but we are also very casual. We do take the time to smell the roses. And most importantly, to kill the Alliance.
60 Troll Priest
300 Alchemy/Herbalsim
~The Purge~

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