Hey guys hows it going?

My name is Xozaht, im a lvl 60 affliction warlock. i absolutely love pvp (instancing is fun and all but pvp is the main reason i play the game). i especially love pvp outside of BG. im really looking forward to joining a guild that will help add the organization that pugs often lack in BG.

I recently had the opportunity to join the purge in ZG. this was my first time in a high-end raid instance and i had a blast. many thanks once again for the invite! Smile

this character is actually my alt. my main (who i dont really play very often anymore) is Janosk, a lvl 60 rogue.

anyways thanks in advance for considering my application and happy alliance ganking to you all!

Xoz is a friend of Anuksa's too and a good warlock.

My vote.

wow. That'd be 2 'locks with the 'zhat suffix. I'm not sure I can handle that.

of course, if Xozhat's good, we could always boot Iluy to fix the problem. On that note, Please look me up Xo, I'd LOVE to play with ya so I can vouge for ya!
[Image: 9390838iRwko.png]
Well, you can try, but somehow I think you'd find yourself in deep poo poo, Z!

Anyway, Look me up as well (I usually play as Iluysplat, 45 Mage).

Oh, and I am the original Zhat warlock...

Zeeroh Wrote:wow. That'd be 2 'locks with the 'zhat suffix. I'm not sure I can handle that.

dont you mean , can handle 'zhat' ? Smile
Zhat's what he said...
Zhat's not funny.

Ooooo double entendre ftw!!!!!
Gameless (for now)
...maybe not zhat funny, but Joe IS!

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