Course on Horror
Zouji Wrote:
Quote:it's a liberal arts school

Better add how to use the "fancy coffee machines" at Starbucks, because that's where the majority of them will be working once they graduate with a liberal arts degree.

Funny how, in my circle of undergrad friends, most of my friends who did lib arts degrees are making more money than my friends with engineering degrees.

OrsunVZ Wrote:sounds like a fun course, but do you seriously classify Twilight as horror? If you are talking horror, go the HP Lovecraft route. Not only is the author a genius, but the books are amazing. Introducing a class load of kids to that would be pretty awesome.

Jesus christ, you know how hard it is to get freshman to read things when you don't have to deal with an unecessarily dense writing style that tosses in a bunch of obscure words at kids? As someone who has graded freshmen papers and TAed, I wouldn't hold my breath on them following an author that uses terms like cacodemonical..

Shit I enjoy Lovecraft and sometimes even I can't stomach his crappy writing.

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