Applicant - Morgred 40 Orc Warrior
Hello All,

I am currently a 40 Orc warrior. I came to Crushridge to play Horde with friends, I have a 60 NE Rogue on Stormscale. I have a MMORPG background of EQ, DAOC, and AC. I am friends with Zayl and Ogreosh. I am a casual player that is looking for a group of folks that I will be able to raid with and PVP with. I have been an officer in a couple of guilds in my past and what I have seen and heard of The Purge lets me know it is a good place to call a home. I have been assisted several times already by The Purge just because they were running by and saw I needed assistance looks like a great bunch of people.

From a personal note I am a Father of 2 and this reinforces the fact that I am a causal player. The most important things for me are enjoying friends and the game.


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