Rift Application - Tadha
First off, I would like to say that I have read the stickies for new applicants.

My name is Tadha and I was hoping to join you guys to focus a little more on PVP. I currently have a main with Elysium called Shananigun but have grown tired of PVE content. I am currently a little over 2/3 of the way to prestige 4 and have advanced from prestige 1-3 in about a week and a half, so I hope to reach prestige 6 in the near future. I mostly run warfronts and make sure I do the daily PVP quests, but it's not as fun to run them alone Smile

I currently use 3 different specs for PVP depending on the situation and have a fourth that is open for experimenting with new builds. I have a stormcaller/lock/chloro for WF's or any other time I am doing group PVP. For world PVP, I use a warlock/chloro/dom, which is more of a hybrid PVP/PVE spec. I also have a heavy chloro/archmage combo for healing support when needed.

I usually try to play for a couple hours a day, although school and work take precedence in most cases. However, if the guild has something big planned then I can sometimes change up my schedule so that I may attend. I have vent and am more than willing to hop on and listen, although I don't currently have a working mic but hope to get that fixed soon. I am also respectful of others and understand that not everyone on vent is from the Alaskan fishing boats, and will make sure my conversations on vent and in guild chat are appropriate for a neighborhood bbq.

Also, I have grouped with Kreme during some Iron Pine PVP and WFs, so hopefully he has some good things to say Smile

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