Rift Application - Doragoon
Hello there. Name is Doragoon and I recently created a Dwarf Warrior on Faemist. I am good friends with many of your Everquest Defiant people as I was a Dwarf Warrior named Doragoon on Vallon Zek. I know that my creativity in character selection and name choice may transcend the point that many people can comprehend, so you don't need to comment on it. :lol: Anyway, I am good friends with Borgann who introduced me to the site and server and guild. He actually took over my Everquest Character when I went on a two year hiatus. But ya, from reading all the app info stuffs I feel i can meet the statutes under what is required of me in the game. I have a wife and child so I am unable to dedicate myself to raiding and end game like I did with Everquest but I can still roll with the punches and be an asset once I get my character leveled.


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