IP Traceroute Map Website
Yea, everything Slamz said.

I also find DSLreports.com a great site for helping to trouble shoot Interenet through put issues. Go to the "tools" menu and use "speed test". Make sure your not using your PC or connection for anything during the test if you want reality. You can also use the Line Quality test for more detailed info.

It will test between you and its various sites across the nation. It provides bandwidth speeds as well as things like packet loss. Best bet is to first test to the nearest location to your home PC. If that looks clean, then test to the nearest location of your destination.

FYI Ive used these results to prove to my ISP that they had a providor that was a problem. I would complain that Im not getting the 20 meg per sec and they would want to dispatch. I would then give them the results that showed where they were dropping packets (usually their service provider).

Another good trouble shooting site is "Speedtest.net . There are allot of cable companies and ISP's that use Speedtest.net and have servers inside their data centers. Mine did and I further used the results to show there was nothing wrong with the last mile to my house, and to stop dispatching and wasting money and time.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]

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