What music do you listen to?
There is absolutely no doubt that Morrissey, master of all things maudlin and miserable, is a douchbag of epic proportions. But together with Johnny Marr he created some of the greatest albums ever made. I used to listen to The Queen is Dead constantly back in my student days.

My love of The Smiths diminished a bit when I married my first wife (yes, I'm on number 2 already), who was obsessed with Morrissey in a all-consuming and, frankly, terrifying way. Beyond obsessive stalker. She used to take vacations to LA and stay in a hotel near his house and just hang out outside his gate all day long. For weeks at a time. I'm pretty sure she went through his trash. I still expect to turn on the news one day and hear that a crazed female fan has murdered him...
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market

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