Application for SirTroth
Hey Folks...

SirTroth here... looking for a PvP guild. I see a lot of Purge members roaming the map in unity, and was surprised to see you guys are indeed a PvP guild. I used to think you were mainly a raiding guild.

My main, SirTroth, is a level 50 warrior, Rank 7, and probably a couple weeks away from rank 8. Lately I've been doing a lot of soloing, as my time is not very generous to me. Two kids, and always working... so most of my time online is at night, except for my days off and weekends.

I'm currently in Elysium, which is really PvE, but the guild actually fell apart. Leadership is all gone, and most of the people still in the guild don't really communicate much. That's ok, though. Elysium was good while it lasted, and to be honest I like PvP much better than PvE. So, hoping to roam the Telaran world with you folks one day.

I would consider myself a casual gamer... was hardcore back in the UO days, but that also almost cost me my marriage at the time. Many years later, I've learned to put the family first, gaming second! Ok... family first, work second, GAMING third.

First MMO was UO. After UO, I played some Asheron's Call, Everquest, Earth & Beyond, DDO, and finally WoW. I never REALLY got into the heavy play, though, except for UO, Earth & Beyond, and finally Rift (of which I've been playing since March). I say "heavy", but I really mostly play about 3 hours a night on average. Looking to add Star Wars: The Old Republic to this list in December.

Real name is Charlie, age 39, and living in NY.

Hope to eventually have my app accepted and join the ranks of The Purge.


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