application for membership- for SWTOR user Hoppy
Hello ALL.
first an introduction
my name is Hoppy, no this is not my birth name , BUT is is the name i have gone by for about 30 some odd years (should be interesting when I'm like 90).

gaming history well started playing eq back when it first came out and tried some of the other but never really got into them all that much.

Now star wars on the other hand i have been a HUGE fan of for well i was 7 when it came out (yes I'm old enough to have watched it in the theaters).

so I've been playing a few days on beta and loving it. been grouping with a rl friend that is a member in "THE PURGE" that is how i found out about the guild.

P.S. oh by the way ,,,,, I'm Evil. just to let you know ahead of time. :evil:


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