Star Trek: Into Darkness
Speaking of JJ Abrams, who else saw Into Darkness?

[spoiler]I think I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more if I wasn't already a Star Trek fan and thought of Wrath of Khan as one of the best. Why they decided to do a spin-off version of Wrath of Khan, I can't imagine. They couldn't come up with something original??

I didn't find the overall story to be nearly as good or compelling as Wrath of Khan and the obvious "re-imagining" of a couple of iconic WoK scenes just spoiled it for me, in a "I've seen this before, and the original was better" sort of way.

I'd kind of like to watch it again, bracing myself for the fact that it IS a re-imagining, and not a totally original movie, but on the first pass I thought it was disappointing.[/spoiler]

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