Application for Gypsywerewolf
Okay, well, I'd like to apply for membership in The Purge guild, so I suppose I should start off by saying: "I read that whole post you said applicants should read."

I'm getting ready to play SWTOR with my roommate and husband (also applying for membership), as well as my roommate's brother - your guild-mate - Karne. I appreciate the guild philosophy. I myself just turned 30: like your cartoon friends, I too have a job (archaeologist), hobbies (hiking and archery), and a sex life (none of your business). Also, I have been capable of forming complete sentences for... well, it has to be several months now, at least.

My MMO experience consists mostly of several years of World of Warcraft, in which I played multiple characters into the higher-level echelons - though I never hit max level. I also briefly flirted with LOTR Online. I am a very casual gamer, in that I get into a game every once in awhile, mostly to spend time with friends, and wind up playing casually until the friend group gets collectively tired of that particular game. That is the case here, as well, although if I enjoy my experience with The Purge I am definitely open to trying out other games with you, and I would definitely enjoy having a community of other players to get to know.

As for names, Gypsywerewolf is a longstanding internet handle of mine, so I have no problem being known by it, though if you'd prefer I name a main character using that name, I may shorten it to Gypsy, or something similar.

In any case, here's me officially applying for admission. Thanks for your consideration.

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