Skizatch's application to the Purge
Greetings Purgarians (if that is the correct adjectival form),

"[Having] read that whole post you said applicants should read" and the other one, about the poor misunderstood Craphead, I would like to put forth my application for inclusion among your glorious brethren.

I have been gaming, on and off, since the early days of Doom. I partook of Quake, as well as the occasional Diablo LAN party (I and II). After the dorms, and their enviable ethernet, I did fall out of the PVP environment (grad school may also have gotten in the way, a bit). However, then the days of WOW came about and I returned to the fun. During this period I was accompanied by my wife, Gypsywerewolf (Purgarian), and our brave leader/bossy-person-in-chief Infaela (sister to your own Karne and fellow Purgarian). Now our group has decided to jump to the glorious lands of the Force and our ties of blood and friendship have drawn us to your august company. I'm also intrigued by the possibility of belonging to a community with your enviable longevity, it is quite impressive.

If accepted I promise to do all that I can to help others of the Purge. I will also attempt to abide by the Purge grammar conventions. Although I should note, that there are generally too many twos to distinguish between their spellings and, in short, they're just too much.

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