App For Rift - Killingfrenzy
Hey guys ive been playing rift for a while now and cant seem to find a good solid guild to play with ive seen purge in action and i am very very interested in joining.

Currently have a r5 (almost 6 ) rogue dps all the time and i also have a raid ready lvl 50 mage but i am almost never on my mage but can be if needed!

I am on for about 5 hours a day and usually that time spent is owning defiants i am a very dedicated pvper.

Would really like you guys to consider this application my characters need a home in rift!
400- Leatherworker / 400- Armorsmith / 400-Weaponsmith / 400- Cooking / 400- Artificier / 400- Huntsman / 400- Tailor

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