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Just in the interest of full disclosure. A lot of us have cut back a bit lately on our time in PvP simply due to the fact that Trion has not put any reason for it in the game. Once you hit max rank and have all the gear there isn't much point to the PvP beyond just killing another player and this is where a lot of us find ourselves these days due to our rabid Defiant killing earlier days. This is not to say that we don't PvP - we do still have folks out in open world and in warfronts every day - just not to the extent we once did. We split our time between both PvE and PvP and are currently 5/11 in HK. As far as pre-mades... we typically just form our groups out of whoever is on and wants to go mess with Defiant. Plus the screwed up Q system for warfronts makes it too annoying to Q with groups larger than 2 people most of the time.

Your best bet is to look us up online and group up so you can get to know us better and we can get to know you.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher

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