SWTOR Application
Hello, my name is Nick in real life, known was Fyren in the game. I play an Inquisitor Assassin. My current spec is Darkness but I love to play all 3 to change things up. My most comfortable spec though is Darkness. (31/0/10). I am applying because my current guild is basically quitting the game due to boredom, and plus I have played with a few members (Chuu in particular) and have not ran across any bad players from my memory. My play schedule can be a little shaky at times, since I am a Senior in High School I do not get to play until the afternoon but I am usually on unless I have homework to do. Weekends I am also on non-stop with my buddy Haniibal who also is applying. Just fair warning, I am a little disgruntled with the game right now am only logging on for dailies and some days not even finishing them completely. I hope this is not an issue as I am expecting once I am with active players and a larger community this shall fade away and I can get back to enjoying the game.

(I read that whole post you said applicants should read)

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