Doctor Who
The season starts up Fall 2012, sorry no exact date, and yes unfortunately the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Waited will no longer be with the best Doctor of modern times following the fifth episode. Which I know is sad but it is the ultimate fate of anyone who travels with the Doctor what's going to make this parting so difficult however is because unlike Davies who mind wiped, retired, and or dimension skipped companions like a kid eating jellybeans these two have stuck around! Like every other Doctor beforehand they've grown on us and I will probably go through a day of silence knowing their won't be anymore ginger sass from Amy and witty retorts from Rory. The upside being that the new companion was able to impress Moffat with how she could out talk the Matt Smith. For any fan of the series this should be amazing and hilarious since the Doctor is greatest orator/rambler in fiction and I can't wait to see how he interacts with someone who can beat him at it.
wibbly wobbly timey wimey

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