Application - Guild Wars 2
Hey all,

My name is Justin (Potto) and I'm looking for a good place to call home for Guild Wars 2 and I was referred here by my friend Ninjagoat. I am 27 and currently living up in Alaska serving in the Air Force and have played a wide array of MMO's that have came out over the past 10 years ranging from WoW and GW, to Rift and SWTOR and a few others that I've hopped around on. I've done everything from leading guilds and raids to doing serious 2v2 and the occasional rated BG in WoW.

As I said, I'm just here hoping to find some good people to do some good PVP and PVE with and just to hang out and make some friends along the way! Thanks for reading!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I did read the stickies!

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