Application - Guild Wars 2
Hey all!

My name is Mirinda (Elowyn - I noticed my tag was taken Sad ) and I was referred here by my gaming buddy, Ninjagoat (I'm also buddies with Potto, but I don't like to admit it). I'm 31, live in upstate NY, and have 4 kids (6, 4, 5 months, and 35 [my husband]) so I will be splitting my gaming time with Mommy duties to which I lovingly refer to as "child aggro". I've played just about every MMO that has been released over the past 10 years and have been looking forward to GW2 for quite some time now. I've played mainly caster classes but have been able to learn and play melee as well, caster is more of my "comfort zone", however.

I'm looking for a home in GW2 and I think that this guild is much like others that I have been in and most importantly, have like minded players that make my gaming experience more fun. I hope to meet you all soon!

* Stickies have been read Wink

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