Leina Incendius
Hey there!

I've seen you guys around alot in WvW and then came across your post on the Emery Bay forums. Here is my app:

Name: Leina Incendius (Leina.6752 is my account name)
Games: EQ, EQ2, WoW, Rift, GW2 (I've checked out ALOT more, but these are the ones that stuck for more than a few days)

I am 38 and have been gaming for many, many years. I have a young daughter and I work full time + more work. I teach, so I don't often log in on weekdays, but I am all over weekends! My husband also plays with me (he has been mmorpging since UO and is an avid tradeskiller ...).

Guild Wars 2 is my first experience with PvP and I (and hubby) LOVE WvW. We are really excited about your guild because it sounds like it will allow us to live our lives AND have fun with a solid group in WvW.

I have no one to vouch that I am not an asshat. I'm not though Big Grin

25 Elementalist, BTW ... and happy to heal (though I'm LOVING not being a dedicated healer as is my usual role and have been playing with fire)

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