Geektastic movies for 2013
Slamz Wrote:Not sure we needed another Superman reboot. I liked the last movie. How many goddamn times do we need to be re-introduced to Superman, anyway? We need "Superman 2", that skips that first hour of introduction. This new one looks like it's going to be 2 hours of introduction. (Superman as a deep sea fisherman! Yeah! That's what I go to the movies for!)
Yes, they are doing these reboots way too soon. I just watched "The Amazing Spiderman", and while I enjoyed it overall, it was completely unnecessary so soon after Raimi's (much better) versions (1 and 2 at least).

Still, Man of Steel looks interesting. Pretty great cast. I didn't like the last one, Superman Returns, that much. Hopefully this one will be better.
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