Application: Zakilm Hrul

I was speaking with Rafae (Raixe) the other day and have recently transferred over to Ehmry Bay from Isle of Janthir. Figured I'd drop by and put in an application. He had mentioned there's quite a few old school VZ'ers in this guild so I think I'd feel right at home although I don't know if any of you will remember me!

I played a bard for years on VZ named Zakilm, was in Illuvitae way back when and went to DDW when they went 4-team and played out the rest of my EQ career with them. It would be nice to be back with people I know. I've been solo for most of my time in GW2 and it's getting quite boring. If you have any questions or want to do some wvw, dungeons, or anything at all please shoot a tell over to Zakilm Hrul, see y'all soon!

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