Star Trek: Into Darkness
I think where the new movies are really going wrong is that they are treating Starfleet as if it was a military and starships as warships.

The ships in Star Trek were almost all primarily science and exploration vessels. They all had weapons and shields but the reason they were so huge with such a large crew is that they were mainly science vessels.

The new movies have none of that. Both movies have basically had all of the ships as warships firing more photons and phasers in 1 minute than I think we saw in all of TOS combined. If the Federation was really making warships, they would all be more like the Defiant from DS9: a really small ship with nothing but weapons, shields and military people to man them.

Granted a movie about futuristic science and exploration probably wouldn't be as popular as Star Trek: Bourne Identity With Phasers In Space but they are pretty well missing the whole point of Star Trek.

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