Star Trek: Into Darkness
Slamz Wrote:That's a bit like saying "the best movie in the world is Bad Boys 2".

Kind of a shallow perspective on art and entertainment. Although I don't doubt that there are more "action fans who tolerate sci-fi" than there are "drama fans who tolerate sci-fi" and I suspect both them outnumber "sci-fi fans", so I suppose it's really just them doing what's popular.

Nothing to do with action, its just that Star Trek was ridiculously idealistic and unrealistic, and most importantly until midway through DS9, almost completely episodic with maybe a two parter thrown in. That is poor dramatic story telling that we have thankfully largely grown out of. I think TNG gets given a lot more credit than it deserves since there was a lack of decent alternative sci fi available at the time.

In the Pale Moonlight was the best Star Trek episode ever made - not remotely action packed, and unsurprisingly an episode that would have made Roddenberry roll in his grave.

Quote:I do hope the next movies can get a little more intellectual, though. Into Darkness was right around the level of Lethal Weapon in terms of intellectual entertainment. I liked Lethal Weapon, I just don't think it needs to be set in the Star Trek universe.

I really wouldn't have classified any of the pre-reimagining Star Trek films as particularly intellectual, although they were less action oriented as is the day. Except for the time travelling whale one where he tries to talk to the computer, that one was smart as hell Wink

I doubt there will be less action in the new ones though, they want to broaden the fan base (and seem to have suceeded) and they had a guy who had never watched Star Trek to direct the damn things.

They should totally make the episode Badger talked about in breaking bad though:


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