Prime Air
TinStar Wrote:I think the whole idea of drones dropping off packages won't work anytime soon. Can you imagine someone waiting around their drop off point and basically stealing the drone when it lands? "How many drones did we lose today? Oh, only 10!"

I could see something along the lines of dropping packages in the air and having them parachute down. But the first thought I had when watching 60 minutes was "Someone is going to steal/break their drones".
Probably the same risk as someone jacking a UPS truck or slashing its tires. It's probably still a felony. High risk, low reward.

And I'm not sure what the underground market for "stolen drone parts" would be like. [interesting footnote: I forgot to lock my truck a couple week ago and someone went through it. all my glovebox contents were in the passenger seat; all the center console stuff was strewn about. Nothing was stolen, including a compressor/inverter, my CDs, a few tools I had in the back, etc. Apparently criminals are mainly looking for drugs, cash and electronics like iPhones that they can quickly sell. Lugging off compressors and drone parts is apparently not high on the list.]

I'm sure some people would want to steal one for the novelty of it, but "tampering with the mail" is a pretty serious offense to risk just to have to hide it in your basement.

But I think the main advantage is just the ability to get things delivered outside of normal delivery hours, when you're actually home and ready to get your package.

Like I wonder how much business Amazon misses out on purely because people would rather go to the store than deal with the hassle of package delivery.

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