Application: Taliaferro_ESO (Amon the Hidden One)

I guess I need to stop being lazy and put in an official application. :-)

My longtime friend Zirak (Thanoslug) invited me to try out The Elder Scrolls Online, and I now find myself pleasantly addicted to yet another MMO.

I've enjoyed running in Cyrodiil with The Purge on my Daggerfall Character (Amon the Hidden One), as well as running into some old friends from my EQ days on Vallon Zek. I realize it will take a while before I'm able to contribute a lot to the Alliance War, but even at level 19 it has been a blast running with you guys, getting in some good shots (and even a few solo kills!), and occasionally blasting the enemy with siege engines.

I look forward to more adventures with you!

-Taliaferro_ESO (Amon the Hidden One)

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